Urgent Response:

If you or a loved one are at risk and in need of immediate help, please call 911 and seek out your nearest A&E.

APF Resources:

Kids Helpline

Introducing our Kids Helpline, a confidential and anonymous chat service with a trained volunteer and educational website/app resource for kids and teens. The Helpline is now open from Thursday – Sunday | 3pm – 9pm. You can call +1345-649-5437 or use the textline trough the website. 

Supporting Children & Young People Bereaving Suicide

Supporting children and young people bereaving suicide is never easy. It’s important that parents, guardians and teachers feel prepared, and know where to find help.
We’ve put together a helpful resource booklet to highlight how young people might feel and respond and, most importantly, how to best support them.

Supporting those with Neurodiversity Bereaving Suicide

The reaction to grief is a long process, for everyone. While support should always be tailored to meet the needs of an individual, there are extra considerations to make when supporting those with neurodiversity through bereavement by suicide. We’ve put together another helpful resource booklet to help you tailor your support to meet the needs of those with neurodiversity.

Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Feelings

Thoughts and feelings of suicide may be a concern for you or your loved ones. We’ve put together a brief guide on what suicidal ideation is, how you can help others, and where you can find help for yourself.

APF Support Groups:

Teen Talk virtual support group

Facilitator: Dr Shari Smith
Ages 13 – 17
First Saturday of each month, 12 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Takes place online via Zoom, click the link below to find out about upcoming dates
Website: https://alexpantonfoundation.ky/teen-talk/
Email: support@alexpantonfoundation.ky

Breaking Barriers support group

Ages 30+
Third Tuesday of each month, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Takes online via Zoom, click the link below to find out about upcoming dates
Website: https://alexpantonfoundation.ky/support/
Email: info@alexpantonfoundation.ky

Community Resources:

APF Kids Helpline:
Web: www.kidshelpline.ky
Tel: +1 (345) 649-KIDS (5437)

Web: www.caymind.ky
Tel: 1 (800) 543-6463

Public Service Providers:

Department of Counselling Services

Web: https://www.dcs.gov.ky/our-services
Tel: +1 (345) 949-8789
Email: FOI.DCS@gov.ky

Family Resource Center

Web: http://www.frc.gov.ky/
Tel: +1 (345) 949-0006
Email: frc@gov.ky

HSA Mental Health Services

Web: www.hsa.ky/medical-services
Tel: +1 (345) 949-5600

Private Services Providers:

Achieve Cayman

Web: https://achievecayman.com/contact-us
Tel: Teena +1 (345) 327-9999 | Trisha +1 (345) 321-4100

Aspire Therapeutic Services

Web: https://aspire.ky/
Tel: +1 (345) 743-6700
Email: info@aspire.ky

Bethesda Counselling Centre

Web: www.bethesdacounsellingcenter.com
Tel: +1 (345) 946-6575 / +1 (345) 923-6488
Email: bethesda@candw.ky

BHAC (Behavioural Health Associates Cayman)

Web: https://bhac.ky/
Tel: +1 (345) 746-0066
Email: info@bhac.ky

Cathy Alberga

Web: https://www.caymanhealth.com/listing/alberga-catherine/
Tel: +1 (345) 945-6570

Hope Academy Clinical Services

Web: https://www.hopecayman.com/clinical-services
Tel: +1 (345) 769-4673
Email: office@hopecayman.com

Infinite Mindcare

Web: https://infinitemindcare.com/services/
Tel: +1 (345) 926-0882
Email: info@infinitemindcare.com

Kidsability Ltd.

Web: https://kidsability.ky/clinical-psychology-services/
Tel: +1 (345) 943 5437
Email: info@kidsability.ky

Life Options Counselling Services

Web: https://www.lifeoptions.ky/
Tel: +1 (345) 940-LIFE (5433)
Email: info@lifeoptions.ky

OnCourse Cayman

Web: https://oncoursecayman.com/services/
Tel: +1 (345) 745-6463
Email: info@oncourse.ky

The Wellness Centre

Web: https://wellnesscentre.ky/our-services/
Tel: +1 (345) 949-9355
Email: info@wellnesscentre.ky

International Resources: 

Befrienders Worldwide

Web: https://www.befrienders.org/

Grassroots Suicide Prevention

Web: https://prevent-suicide.org.uk/find-help-now/