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World Mental Health Day 2019

World Mental Health Day 2019

October 10th is World Mental Health day and people all around the world, and right here in Cayman, are uniting to show their support and emphasis the importance of mental health. Here are some things you can do, read and learn about today to show your support:

Wear yellow –  wear yellow or bright colours to work or school to show that you are mental-health positive and a person others can speak to when they’re down.

World Mental Health Day Symposium – a local event taking place at the Harquail Theatre today from 9am to 3:30pm. This event has been organized by the HAS and will feature panel discussions featuring mental health professionals and community stakeholders, a production of Dr. Frank McField’s “Downside Up” and more.

The event is $10, to learn more: World Mental Health Day Symposium

Watch – Prince Harry and Ed Shereen team to up to discuss and break the stigma on Mental Health, encourage togetherness and speak up about speaking out.

Watch here:

Every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide.

Learn – The World Health Organization is focusing on suicide prevention this World Mental Health Day. Read and learn how you as a teacher or employer can act and prevent suicide in situations such as school or work environments.

Learn more at: World Health Organization

Every life matters, especially yours. This World Mental Health Day we hope that you know that you are not alone.