01Jan By Alex Panton FoundationPartners News Beat the January Blues! After a busy holiday season, the “come down” can start to take effect. The holiday season is typically accompanied by various stress factors including overindulging in alcohol, changed sleep patterns, increased spending and family conflicts/confrontations. Losses during the year, be it the death of a loved one or economic setbacks may also be more likely during this time.After the rush of Christmas and New Year’s, January can be a difficult recovery month. For many already living with mental health issues, the season of goodwill surrounded by family gathering and gifts may be but a distant memory. Problems can be far more distressing and January can be an isolating period haunted by disappointment, anxiety, sadness, depression and even suicidal thoughts.Now more than ever it’s important to talk through our feelings and be there for one another. It’s important for individuals to acknowledge the difficulties during this period and to seek professional help when needed, however, staying active, reducing alcohol consumption and practicing mindfulness can help lessen the blues.Beware of drinking to excessRemember that alcohol is a depressant and can worsen the symptoms of depression.If you are worried about being alone, find out what is going on in your local community or join a local group. Our support groups for adults between 18 – 30 take place every Saturday at the George Town Public Library.Sharing your feelings with others, such as friends and family members, who can help you identify and work through any emotional challenges you may be experiencing.Regular physical activity has been shown to have antidepressant effects in people with mild to moderate depression.Do not be afraid to seek professional help!