07Jul By Alex Panton FoundationPartners News Miss Cayman Islands Universe Selects APF as their 2021 Platform! The Alex Panton Foundation is pleased to announce that we have been selected as the official Miss Cayman Islands Universe 2021 platform.While some in Cayman still view mental health as a taboo topic, the 2021 contestants are breaking the stigma! Each of these young ladies have all expressed interest in mental health and have admitted to either knowing individuals who have struggled, or have personally struggled themselves with mental health.We are very grateful to the Miss Cayman Islands Universe committee for their ongoing support for our cause. These girls have each done their part to raise awareness about mental health, it’s impacts and our Foundation as a whole. We are so proud of you young ladies. It takes strength and courage to do what you do and the Foundation would like to wish you all luck and success on your journeys to the crown. The 2021 Miss Cayman Islands Universe pageant will take place Saturday, 11th September. Please consider coming out to support these beautiful ladies who have all worked so hard to earn the title of Miss Cayman Islands Universe 2021.